“Lively Stones”

1 Peter 2:5 KJV

[5] “ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.”

     As believers, we must grow in our faith and become more like Jesus. We are to become more like the Stone that Peter spoke about in the previous verse. Christ is the Stone, but we are “as lively stones.” We are to become “little Christs.” That is what it means to be a Christian and to live a Christian life. Many today only see the Christian life as a list of rules. Then, some say the Christian life should have no rules at all. Being a Christian has never been about rules but a relationship. Our goal is to be as lively stones, conformed to His image and made in His likeness. Why worry about keeping a list when we are enjoying a new life in Christ?

     No doubt Peter had the church in mind when he penned this verse. Together, believers make up the church. The Lord saves us out of the world and places us in the family of God, and we become a part of His church. I am thankful for the church! I worry about those who claim to be a part of the family but want to bypass the church. Whenever an individual truly gets saved, they will want to be around other believers. Where would we be today if we did not have this “spiritual house?” The church is where we enjoy fellowship and learn how to grow and live for Christ.

     We are also “an holy priesthood,” meaning we have access to the throne of God. Every believer has the privilege of being able to come to God freely for themselves. Just as Christ has the liberty to speak to His Father, He has given each of us this same access in prayer. We are made acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. What an opportunity to come before the throne seeking the face of God for our needs and the needs of others.   

   We should also remember why we are here on this earth. Our purpose is to offer up “spiritual sacrifices” to God. You see, our life is to be an extension of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. As lively stones, we are to be imitators of the Living Stone. We are to follow His life, teachings, and direction daily. He has given us the church and prayer to help us to be more like Him, and while we don’t live by a list of rules, we do live separated and devoted lives for His honor and glory. Our goal is that people would not see us but see Christ living in us and through us. As we grow closer to eternity, let us look more like the Son of God.